NOTBENJAMIN and XXC Legacy has resulted in the creation of a new Hip Hop music project titled "NOSTALGIA." This collaborative effort showcases their combined talents and artistic vision, offering listeners an immersive experience within the realm of Hip Hop. The "NOSTALGIA" project is comprised of eight songs, each contributing to the overall narrative and atmosphere of the collaboration. Featured artists on the project include BELO SALO, BENJAMIN, Moozlie, Money Badoo, and others. These collaborations bring a diverse range of voices and styles to the project, adding layers of complexity and creativity to the musical landscape. Fans of NOTBENJAMIN and XXC Legacy can expect "NOSTALGIA" to be a testament to their combined prowess, offering a nostalgic yet fresh perspective on the Hip Hop genre. The project's diverse features suggest a dynamic and engaging listening experience for enthusiasts of contemporary Hip Hop music.

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Cover de l'album


275 25 0 0 0

NOTBENJAMIN & XXC Legacy (Stats artiste)

487 50 0 0 0