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1. Crossroads
2. The Golden Falcon (feat. Rasul Allah)
3. Nuclear Jetstreams (feat. Orko Eloheim)
4. Waking Life
5. Ancient Astronauts (feat. Orko Eloheim)
6. Inception
7. Katharsis (feat. Rasul Allah)
8. Poison (feat. Jahnigga Da Baptist)
9. Obelisk (feat. Self Soulfuric)
10. Abstract Formulas of Infinite Jewelz
11. Cosmic Visionaries
12. Alien Cybernetics (feat. Orko Eloheim)
13. 9 Spheres (feat. Rasul Allah)
14. Repelling the Outbreak (feat. Wormhole)
15. Clash of the Titans (feat. Son of Saturn)
16. Eternal Soul Fire (feat. Apakalypse)
17. Deliverance
18. Hammer of the Gods
19. Backdraft
20. Space Harmonics (faet. Orko Eloheim & Mike Tappen)
21. Exact Science