Album gratuit
Imagine Dragons
Mercury Acts 1 & 2
Description :
American pop rock band, Imagine Dragons arrived with his highly Anticipated Project Called "Mercury Acts 1 & 2" Album. “One thing we saw very early on in the recording process was the fact that this couldn’t be one record,” Imagine Dragons frontman Dan Reynolds tells Apple Music. “There were two different directions, two stories being told, and two timelines. We had songs that I wrote right after my best friend took his life and right after my sister passed away—you know, grieving songs. And then we had songs that were written, because of COVID, almost three years later, when I was in a totally different place. I had a different story to tell.” The band decided to release two variations on a single theme: [i]Mercury - Act 1[/i] addresses the death and grieving process, while [i]Act 2[/i] unpacks the complicated task of trying to move forward.
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Mercury Acts 1 & 2 est un album Pop de l'artiste Imagine Dragons ajouté en téléchargement gratuit sur BabioRap

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détails sur Imagine Dragons
Imagine Dragons

2 albums

15 mp3

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