
Get ready to experience the incredible talents of Ghanaian superstar, Lyrical Joe, with the release of his latest album titled "Photo Album". This highly anticipated project features a total of 15 tracks, each one showcasing the rapper's unique style and incredible talent. Telegram Link Join Now Join Now DOWNLOAD MP3 SONG As one of Ghana's most popular artists, Lyrical Joe has already proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. With this latest album, he takes his skills to the next level, demonstrating his versatility as a rapper and cementing his status as one of the country's most talented musicians. Don't miss out on the chance to experience this amazing album for yourself. Click below to dive into "Photo Album" and discover why Lyrical Joe is considered one of Ghana's biggest stars.

Tracklists de l'album

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Cover de l'album

Lyrical Joe - Photo

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