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1. Bad Ideas
2. Disgusting
3. Sophisticated
4. This Iz My Life
5. Illusion Of Safety
6. Momz Wordz
7. Classick
8. Play This @ Nite feat. Rugged, Tzarizm
9. Breakaleg feat. Bezerk
10. Cabin Fever
11. Rejuvenate
12. Constantly
13. Signature Skillz feat. Santiago Skillz
14. Sircle Gettin Ill feat. Scroll, Santiago Skillz, Madness, Bezerk
15. Melting Pot
16. Birdz & Beez feat. Madness
17. Reign and Hail
18. Duality of Man feat. Pornographic
19. Analyze This
20. League of My Own
21. Carsick
22. Sophisticated Remix