Album gratuit
Busta 929
Umsebenzi Wethu
10 tracks
Description :
South African artist Busta 929 has unleashed a vibrant Amapiano music project titled "Umsebenzi Wethu." This dynamic compilation features a total of ten songs and boasts an impressive lineup of collaborations with a diverse array of artists. Among the featured talents are B6 Rider, Star.Kay, MarC, Djy Vino, LeeMcKrazy, Zwesh SA, Almighty, Xavi Yentin, DJy Biza, Scotts Maphuma, Ntokozo Vocals, Pcee, Khanya De Vocalist, Zwesh SA, Knowley-D, Lolo SA, Ginger, S.lizzy, Amu Classic, Kappie, Lady Du, Dj Melzi, and others. "Umsebenzi Wethu" not only showcases the talent of Busta 929 but also provides a platform for a collaborative celebration of Amapiano sounds. Fans can anticipate a mosaic of styles and voices, contributing to a vibrant and eclectic musical journey within the Amapiano genre. This release is likely to leave a lasting impact on the South African music scene, showcasing the genre's ability to evolve and incorporate a multitude of influences.

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Umsebenzi Wethu est un album Amapiano de l'artiste Busta 929 ajouté en téléchargement gratuit sur BabioRap

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Busta 929

6 albums

103 mp3

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