Conversation with the Gangstas

Lewayne Williams is a rapper from South Park, Houston, Texas, and a member of the South Park Coalition, which he co-founded in 1987 with Houston rapper K-Rino. In 1992 he released his debut album South Park Psycho. This record also helped put the South Park Coalition name on the map due to worldwide distribution from Rap-a-Lot. He also wrote the Geto Boys hit "Chuckie". NIP stands for "Nation of Islam is Powerful" he is also a part of The Nation of Islam. Williams is also looked at as one of the creators of the horrorcore rap genre.

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Cover de l'album

Brother N.I.P - Conversation with the Gangstas

49 0 0 0 0
Chansons populaires de l'album

Brother N.I.P (Stats artiste)

49 0 0 0 0