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1. OFF (Input)
2. Re-Animators (feat. Dirt Platoon)
3. City’s Flesh (feat. John Robinson)
4. Brain Damages (feat. Fel Sweetenberg)
5. The A Game (feat. Wildelux)
6. Lifecheck / 2099 (feat. Skanks)
7. Frankenine (feat. Nine)
8. No Cure (feat. Reks & Ecorce)
9. The Underdog (feat. Finale)
10. Stick Up (feat. The Federation)
11. HH73 (feat. Kaimbr)
12. Sacrifice (feat. Phase One)
13. Man VS Machine (feat. Street Smartz)
14. Heaven On A 45 (feat. Blu)
15. ON (Output)