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1. Intro: Sevenius
2. Ahead Of The Game (Feat. Berserk)
3. Standouts (Feat. SonnyJim)
4. Swordz (Ft. Baron Samedi)
5. The Man
6. Masked
7. Syllable Spitter
8. Keep Me Awake
9. Britain
10. Under A Rock (Feat. Beit Nun & Joe Kobi)
11. 5 Dimensions (Feat. Labal-S)
12. Who Is It? (Feat. Respek-BA)
13. Versus Sub
14. The Double Up (Feat. Dan Bull)
15. Introducing… (Feat. Beit Nun)
16. Revelations (Feat. Redmaster)
17. Keep Me Awake Remix